DIY Aquaponics

Aquaponics 4 You

Sunday 31 May 2015

snails- how to get rid of it from your garden?

Can you control a worm royal garden pests because they chew through their plants, flowers and vegetables. Fortunately, there are many options available - natural and otherwise - to get rid of snails from your garden.

Method 1: snail natural repellents

Cheating beer: One of the most popular and effective ways to get rid of snails is beer  cheating, saucers, bowls or buckets (depending on the size of the problem!) Of cheap beer in your garden and leave it overnight.
Slugs are attracted by the smell of beer and up the plate / cube, where they are intoxicated by alcohol, they fall in and drown.Try using copper:Copper is widely used by gardeners for conducting the drills. A copper are used in one of two ways:
You can copper tape to a nursery to buy and wrap around the perimeter of your garden or flower bed, or you can simply spray copper coins around the base of the plants to be protected.
Copper repel slugs due to a reaction between the metal and produced by screw moves mucous membranes.
Sprinkle crushed eggshells: Use another effective method many gardeners to repel snails to sprinkle crushed eggshells in the soil around the plants in danger of extinction.
Another way of preventing snails in garden is by using Eggshells,which must avoid edges that are uncomfortable with soft body of the worm, so step over it to get the plants.
This is a particularly green way to repel slugs and eggshells contains a lot of calcium, which nurtures their land.
Encourage predators of snails: One way to deter snails WHO is promoting other garden creatures snack snails.
These include frogs and toads that can be charged using ceramic toad houses in your garden. Turtles, snakes and salamanders are probably also like snails, and most birds (especially Robin).

Method 2: Change the routine gardening
Change your watering schedule. The snails prefer moist soil, because it is easier for them to travel, and can move faster.
Simply pour your plants dry in the morning rather than the afternoon or evening, you can be sure that the floor is a bit of the night.
Often the floor. Often the working of your plants and flowers with a fork rake or cultivator is a good idea because the ground killing all worm eggs. This may, in the future  help to significantly reduce snail populations.Grow plants to protect the worm.
Certain flowers, plants and herbs are believed to be filthy worm. These include flowers like freesia, lilies, azaleas, foxglove, Tansy and hibiscus and herbs like mint, rosemary, fennel, parsley and basil.

Method 3: Use of Pesticides
Use iron phosphate. Molluscicides iron phosphate is used to kill snails. It is the main ingredient of a commercial slug repellent (eg Sluggo Plus) and since it is only harmful to the snail, a much better option for those with children and pets
Write garlic spray. Crush the garlic and mix with water. Leave for several hours to allow the garlic to "marinate". In a spray of water and can spray the flowers, plants and herbs for a natural repellent slug.

To discover the way to get the best yields and fish growth rates, check out Aquaponics 4You.

Monday 25 May 2015

Adding salt to Aquaponics system

Many people add salt to their aquaponics system and you may be thinking of doing the same. The practice of adding salt in Aquaponics has its pros and cons, and if you decide to use salt you should do so carefully.
The main purpose of adding salt in Aquaponics is for disease control; salt acts like a natural anti-bacterial agent. In addition, a small amount of salt improves the mucous covering on a fish’s body, and this improves the resistance of the fish to diseases and parasites. Salt may also help to prevent fungal infections. If you opt for salt addition, use pure sea salt and avoid table salt. If you can’t find any pure sea salt, swimming pool salt is a viable alternative.
However, adding too much salt will kill the fish and stunt plant growth. Therefore, when adding salt, you should do it only in calculated amounts. A good rule of thumb is 1 to 2 ppt (parts per thousand) of salt to water. Some plants and fish will tolerate higher levels, but if you are a novice in Aquaponics systems, you should stick to this amount. Remember, that as time passes, the concentration of salt in the system will change. Evaporation of water, water taken up by the plants, etc… will lead to an increase in salt concentration. It is therefore important that you monitor salt concentration regularly, and you can do so by using an apparatus called a refractometer. You can buy cheap refractometers for just a few dollars and they will do the job.
Many people will have a separate small tank that they use for sick fish, a kind of quarantine tank. This is a good idea as it prevents the spread of disease to other fish and allows you to give medication only to the sick fish and not to the whole system. If you keep such a tank, salt can be very useful, as salt will enhance the fish’s immune system. You can use higher concentration of salt in your sick tank – up to 10 ppt for a few hours to a few days. Make sure to keep the tank well oxygenated.

Salt for aquaponics system

As mentioned already, different fish have different levels of salt tolerance, so to be on the safe side check with your local fisheries department for levels of tolerability of the species you are growing. In addition, remember that even if the fish you are growing are very tolerant to salt (for example tilapia can be grown in a salt concentration of up to 20-30 ppt), the plants will not tolerate high concentrations. It is safer if you stick to 1-2 ppt.

To discover the way to get the best yields and fish growth rates, check out Aquaponics 4You.

Friday 22 May 2015

Growing Plants on Unfertile Land with Aquaponics

Gardening and growing vegetables is a passion many people share. They like to see how a simple seed grows and passes through different stages until it reaches maturity and makes fruits. Also, they love to see how their efforts pay off and they finally get to taste the veggies they have so long waited for. Yet, what can you do when you love to grow plants but your soil is unfertile? Well, there are two options: you either give it a try anyway and try to solve the problem using fertilizers, in which case you may end up with poor and tasteless crops or you give up cultivating plants in the ground and go for the aquaponic gardening. Aquaponics means growing vegetables using water from a fish tank. This solves the unfertile ground problem, as you no longer place your seeds in the ground and it also solves the issue with the taste of your crops. This is a very good alternative to the hydroponic system, as you will not use chemical substances on your plants in aquaponic gardening, thus you will be able to obtain organic food for your family. Many people complained about the lack of taste that crops grown in hydroponic gardens had, but this is not the case with the ones grown in aquaponic systems. Because they are fed with the water from the fish tank, the plants grown in the aquaponic get natural food which will enhance their taste, making them taste better even than the ones grown on fertile soil.  Apart from this, the aquaponic system also enables you to grow fish. In fact this is one of the conditions to have an aquaponic system. This means that not only will you have fresh and tastyveggies, but you can also eat fish grown in your house. It will save you great amounts of money
and will offer you healthy meals each and every day.
Growing plants using the aquaponic system it is easy and rewarding no matter where you are! Forget about the quality of your soli, about digging, fertilizing and removing weeds from your land! You can obtain organic veggies and fresh fish in your own house with minimum of effort and investment!

To discover the way to get the best yields and fish growth rates, check out Aquaponics 4You.

Wednesday 13 May 2015

How aquaponics can benefits over you

With the economy going out of control, finding cheap yet qualitative products has become a challenge even for the savviest shoppers. It seems like all prices have gone wild and you have to pay a fortune just to have a normal, balanced diet. Usually, the products which come cheaper are also of lower quality, so you need to sacrifice more for qualitative products. Yet, you can now save lots of money and eat organic vegetables as well as fresh fish from your own farm, your aquaponic farm. Aquaponic farming is basically an improved version of hydroponics. In fact it is a combination between hydroponics and aquaculture. What you do is grow fish in a specially designed tank and use the water from the tank to grow vegetables too. This way you develop a type of farming based on interdependence: the fish have clean and fresh water due to the plant roots, while the plants get their food from the fish tank, without yet harming the fish. It is as easy as it seems! You will just need to make your aquaponic system (which can be done by you, with a little help and guidance) and then starting growing the fish. After about a month, the water will have enough nutrients for you to start growing your own plants, so you just put the seeds in the water and wait for them to grow. If the fish are happy and healthy, there are great chances that you will have plenty of vegetables and herbs to cook your favorite meals.

The best thing about this system is that once you have built it you can keep it going for ever, as it requires minimum investment and effort and gives back even ten times more than you invest, so you will not only have enough food for you and your family, but you will also be able to share it with your neighbors or even start a small business with this type of vegetables. They are all organic and natural, without any chemical fertilizers which may harm people’s health, so you can be sure you can make a great profit out of it!
Anyone can start such an aquaponic farming as it is easy to set on and even easier to take care of. Even senior people who have a hard time in bending and moving will find this activity relaxing and enjoying. Why spend a fortune each time you go to the market when you can grow your own organic vegetables and fish in the comfort of your home with little effort and a small amount of money?
Stop your market addiction now with the aquaponic farming system!

To discover the way to get the best yields and fish growth rates, check out Aquaponics 4You.

Tuesday 5 May 2015

Aquaponics fish

Your aquaponics fish in your system not only will give you tasty food (rich in protein and omega 3) but it is also provide nutrients for your aquaponics vegetables that you’re growing. Growing fish yourself can save you lots of money and you will probably have peace of mind if you know the fish you’re eating are free of toxic metals as well as petroleum residues, which can be becoming a growing problem with sea-caught fish nowadays. You may also make a fantastic income selling aquaponics fish, because the expenses grow them are extremely small.
So, which fish species will you choose for your own aquaponics farming system? There are several things you have to make note of before making your final decision. Each species may have it's own different requirements and also optimal temperature and pH ranges.Furthermore, some species are able to grow in a large population density (more fish in less space) but some other people may need a lot more space. Different species of fish also grow at different rates; presumably you would like ones which grow fast.
Two popular fish for aquaponics systems are tilapia and trout. If your home is in warmer regions, you should go for tilapia. They grow greatest at temperatures within 82° to 86°F and begin dying if your temperature drops under 50°F. This happens because at temperatures under 54°F, tilapia lose their own resistance to disease and are susceptible to infections. Of course, if you are now living in cold areas but maintain your house heated,you'll be able to set up the aquaponics system inside a room and still grow tilapia. Tilapias are particularly suitable for aquaponics farming because they're very hardy and will survive fluctuations involving pH and waste build-up much better than most other fish. In addition, they might grow well inside crowded tanks, and also grow quickly.
Another excellent aquaponics fish for warm climates could be the catfish, which grows best at the temperature of about 80°F. They are resistant to disease and parasites,however are sensitive to oxygen levels. In case you grow catfish,you should definitely have a very good aeration system in place and carry frequent tests.
If your home is in colder locations, you should choose trout. Although various trout species have slightly different needs, most have an optimal range of 40° to 65°F.Similar to tilapia, they grow pretty quickly and make delicious food.
Some aquaponics farmers also grow goldfish.Currently, although these are certainly not used for meals, they can be easily sold to pet-shops to be resold as pets. Goldfish are quite hardy, grow in many different conditions and can fetch a large profit. You may also sell goldfish immediately by placing advertisements in local newspapers.

To discover the way to get the best yields and fish growth rates, check out Aquaponics 4You.