DIY Aquaponics

Aquaponics 4 You

Tuesday 29 September 2015

Aquaponics : Are yabbies suitable for my tank ?

The Yabby is a freshwater crayfish, also known as a crawchie, craybob or even lobbie. These are also known as the western blue claw. The common freshwater yabby  (Cherax destructor) is the best known among the hundred or so freshwater crayfish species found in Australia, it occurs west of the Great Dividing Range in New South Wales and over a large area of the Australia.
Yabbies usually grow to a max size of 350 gram. Yabbies have a life span of only 6- 7 years, their main predators are insect larvae, fish, , turtles, birds and water rats. Blue claw yabbies are genetically blue, but Yabbies can be any colour black, white, brown, red, green or any combination, whichever is most suitable for camouflage in the wild.
The yabby was recorded as early as 1831 in the north of the State by the Thomas Mitchell .In 1894, the Horn expedition to Central Australia found it was said 'to be eaten regularly by the wandering tribes of natives who know it as the yabber' and from yabber only the present name of 'yabby' came.
Basically, they are vegetarian but also scavenge decaying plant and animal matter.
Aquarium yabbies are excellent pets, and you can treat them the same as a gold fish. Fill the tank with water; yabbies breathe oxygen from the water. To keep your water fresher longer an aerator or filter in the tank can be used. Feed your yabbies vegetables or pellets. Each yabby requires a home, logs in the tank are important.
Yabbies have a hard exoskeleton, Yabbies are fast growing, in order to do so they must molt. Availability of food, shelter, density and water temperature are the main factors deciding their growth. Yabbies are cold blooded animals, Below 10 degree C yabbies dont feed,  when water temperatures are between 22 to 28 degree C, best growth is seen in yabbies. Depending on the amount of With sufficient amount of time, dedication, effort and money,  it is possible to grow your yabbies from 0 to 150mm ( 100 gram ) plus in 1 year.
Yabbies and freshwater crayfish can be successfully kept in an aquaponics system. Details:

Name: Yabby (Cherax destructor)

Distribution: Murray-Darling Basin

General Hardness: 80 – 300 ppm

Diet: Low protein

Growth: 1.5 years (50g)

Temperature: 15 – 25o C

pH: 6.5 – 8.5


The smooth-shelled crayfishes occur in lakes, swamps, farm dams, irrigation canals and bore drains (mainly still, warm waters) and also in slow, muddy rivers. The common yabby is especially hardy and can survive many years of drought, later coming out during wet periods to feed, breed and migrate.
Yabbies have been occasionally blamed for the collapse of dam walls, only if  the walls are less than 2 metres thick, and if water levels change frequently .

Environmental requirements

If its gills are kept moist, it can absorb oxygen from the air and survive for many days out of water, so complete immersion in water is not essential. To breed, it must be in water.Experiments have shown that growth is faster on a natural substrate such as mud, than on an artificial one such as plastic tanks.


Dissolved oxygen
The yabby can tolerate very low dissolved oxygen (DO) ,water should preferably contain over 4 parts per million of DO.


Can tolerate water temperatures from near freezing to above 35 degree Celsius.


A salinity of 12 ppt- equal to about 35 per cent seawater – will not affect the yabby.


To maintain strength in the shell, the water must be hard enough (as dissolved calcium)

Heavy metals: As yabby can concentrate Hg and Pb in its body without harm, that is why used

as biological indicator of environmental pollution.

pH: The water in most good yabby dams is alkaline i.e.,pH 7.5 to 10.5


The yabby is susceptible to herbicides and insecticides (organochlorines).


The reproductive or genital papillae of the male crayfish are short projections on the bases of the last pair of walking legs & the female has oval openings on the bases of the third-last pair of legs.
The female yabby reaches sexual maturity when about 9 to 10 centimetres long - the male when slightly smaller.
The female is responsible for the protection of the eggs carefully. Once maturity is reached, the female grows more slowly than the male, because of the greater effort devoted to spawning.
In spring when the water temperature reaches 15 to 16 degree Celsius, breeding begins.


Healthy yabby populations are usually found where manure is washed into farm dams from surrounding paddocks, or where cattle drop it directly into the water. Juveniles and young yabbies eat the same food as adults.


The yabby must periodically moult its shell (an exoskeleton) to grow; this type of growth is not continuous, and occurs in steps. Water temperature, available food and population density (that is, the degree of crowding), these are the determinants of growth. Growth usually suffers over about 28 degree Celsius but they can tolerate upto 35 degree Celsius.

Death and disease

Causes of death:

1) Old age

2) Injury

3) Predation (natural, cannibalism and fishing)

4) Starvation and disease, for example, Porcelain disease (also 'white tail' or 'white muscle' disease). In the aquarium

Finally we can conclude that, the yabby is an easy to keep and entertaining pet in the aquarium. Six to ten medium ones, would suit a 100-litre tank. Provide them rocks in which to hide when moulting, and a little lean meat. The yabby can live for months without eating at all, still feed them small amounts of vegetable scraps and chicken pellets now and then, and better to remove what is not eaten each day.
Yabbies breed readily. No special food is required for the young but there should be plenty of cover where juveniles can escape from the adults.To stop the yabby uprooting them while burrowing or searching for food; aquatic plants should be tied to large stones. It is better to keep the water level far enough below the top of the tank to prevent yabbies from climbing the air hose and crawling out.
Yabbies  are used in Aquaculture also and yes yabbies are suitable for your tank in your Aquaponics system if all the above mentioned points about its growth, requirements, food, shelter, reproduction are kept in the mind.

Thursday 10 September 2015

Aquaponics4you video. It is very easy to create your own aquaponics garden.

Friday 28 August 2015

How to convert hydroponics to aquaponics?

Hydroponics is a subset of hydro culture .It is a method of growing plants using mineral nutrient solutions, in water, without soil. Terrestrial plants may be grown with their roots in the mineral nutrient solution only, or in an inert medium, such as gravel.
Aquaponics consists of two parts:
a) The aquaculture part of raising aquatic animals &
b) The hydroponics part of growing plants.
Aquaponics, refers to any system that combines conventional aquaculture (raising aquatic animals such as snails, fish, or prawns in tanks) with hydroponics (growing plants in water) in a symbiotic environment. In normal aquaculture, excretions from the animals being raised can accumulate in the water, increasing toxicity. In an Aquaponics system, water from an aquaculture system is fed to a hydroponic system where the by-products are broken down by nitrification bacteria into nitrates and nitrites, which are utilized by the plants as nutrients, and the water is then (when purified) re circulated back to the aquaculture system.
As existing hydroponic and aquaculture farming techniques form the basis for all Aquaponics systems, the size, complexity, and types of foods grown in an Aquaponics system can vary as much as any system found in either distinct farming discipline.

This is how Aquaponics Works:
1. First of all fish are raised in a tank
2. Water from the tank is pumped to the plants
3. Bacteria convert ammonia and nitrite to nitrate
4. Plants absorb the nutrient rich water & then finally
5. Filtered water is returned back to the fish tank, clean

Aquaponics is Considered Sustainable because:
1) Waste from fish is used to feed the plants
2) Plants and fish create a polyculture producing 2 products
3) Water is re-used in the re-circulating system
4) Local food production, increases the local economy and deceases food transportation

Plants like Aquaponics? 
1) Warm water bathing the roots
2) Nutrients are constantly provided
3) Less effort required in putting out roots
4) No need to search for water or food
5) All the energy goes into growing UP not in growing DOWN
6) No weed competition and most important of all
7) No waste – hydroponics waste solution, aquaculture waste fish solids – Aquaponics all waste is used

Components of Aquaponics:
a) Fish Tank
b) Place to Grow Plants
c) Water Pumps
d) Air Pump
e) Irrigation Tubing
f) Filtration
g) Grow light
h) Fish & Plants

Some Aquaponics System Designs are:
a) Media-Based Growbed
b) Growing Power System
c) NFT (Nutrient Film Technique)
d) Towers
e) Raft System
f) VertiGro

The basic tenet of Aquaponics is that the fish are fed with a low value organic product (usually fishmeal, or plant products), which they convert into animal protein. The waste from the fish is then converted (by bacteria) into soluble nutrients, which are absorbed by the horticultural crop, and this ‘cleaned’ water then returned to the fish tanks.
Modern hydroponics increasingly demands a precise control of the nutrient content of the solution, but in Aquaponics this is not possible.

Monday 22 June 2015

Tips for gardener: Organic alternative to kill weeds

Weeds can be your worst enemy when it comes to caring for a vegetable garden.
There are many ways to get rid of weeds or prevent weeds, but some of the
chemicals used in some methods can harm the environment or health. Consider
using Slayer products organic weed instead. These safer alternatives to herbicide
can help you without putting yourself or others at risk.Remove or kill weeds as
soon as you notice them growing in your garden. Failing to get rid of weeds can
cause your plants to produce less during the harvest season, or wither and die.The
most common form, natural to get rid of weeds is to pull them out. Control
products using conventional garden weeds or herbicides can help you solve your
problems with weeds, but some of them are dangerous to animals and humans.
Some herbicides can even penetrate deep into the soil and contaminate the water
supply of your farm or in the neighborhood.Using organic methods for killing
weeds:Organic gardens offer a perfect opportunity to grow herbs, fruits and
vegetables, using earth-friendly methods. The organic gardening process means no
artificial ingredients such as chemical pesticides based, are applied to the garden or
lawn. Moreover, these gardening principles are easily applied to the whole set-up
garden and promote the growth of virtually any plant life.Weeds and
pestsGardeners can take full advantage of safe and natural ways to get rid of most
species of garden pests. Many natural pesticides help eliminate the most common
pests to attack the plant life. A solution of water and vinegar can solve many pest
problems. In addition, a variety of herbs can be used in the process of controlling
pests.A simple natural pesticide includes spraying a diluted mixture of water and
natural soap. This is very effective in eliminating infestation of aphids. Once they
start cleaning aphids from the leaves, the plants should be given over a spray with
clean water. Another natural choice including a combination of garlic and onion
mixed in water. This may act as an insect repellent in general.
Furthermore, instead of using artificial pesticides to control the population of
unpleasant weeds, a gardener can use a variety of natural alternatives. Use
household vinegar is also a high effective tool in weed killing. Combine 15%
cooking vinegar with water to create a mixture of simple spraying. Apply this to
the plant life during periods of intense sunlight. This will kill the weeds without
causing any damage to the plants.Finally,Fertilization is another way to use organic
materials  to create a fertilizer to promote the health of the garden and lawn. The
organic fertilizer is based on the composting and mulching processes to allow a
variety of materials to decompose naturally.To maintain soil quality, it is
recommended that the top 5 or 6 inches are grown. This will help keep the majority
of the nutrient to a level that can benefit the health of plant life. Furthermore, good
quality organic mulching material should be applied to any type of exposed soil.
Organic gardening practices help maintain beautiful and healthy garden in the most
natural, effective and safe as possible to help secure a healthy garden protection.

To read about how to build an aquaponics system easily and also cheaply, check out Aquaponics4You.

Sunday 7 June 2015

How to shade your Aquaponics plant?

Aquaponic system is a combination of two principles, hydroponics and aquaculture. Both of these principles play an important role in the successful implementation of a system. The system can be simple or complex, depending on the approach used. A simple approach is when you start on a small scale with small lake. Today you are about to learn how to set up a mask or a shade for your plant aquaponics system.
Shades Aquaponic are an important aspect of aquaponics when growing plants and fish to an income that you do not want to see your hard work undermined. This section gives you ideas about what you should consider when building a shelter or shade for your aquaponic system.
Aquaponic systems require two different areas. On the one hand the fish, which typically dark and the second for the plants, which must have a good light.
Another aspect is the use of pesticides it is almost impossible, so an environment that will need a barrier for insects.
The third consideration is that which keeps the water temperature of the aquaponic plant,is also very important that this system is the area where the shading Aquaponics installation of the utmost importance.
Now, what are some of the things a shadow or shade  necessary to maintain the plants and fish happy and make your life much easier.
Consider the  end side curtain shade cloth which are supported in order to allow a good air flow while still providing a barrier for insects. In a small system, this can be a manual winch. In commercial systems of a hoist as recommended which can be further linked to an automatic controller to adjust the curtains on the basis of the internal temperature.
Consider planting material for aquaponics. Which will be a small percentage of light and helps with roll up the sides of the curtain while the cooler environmnet. If you  are outside of the tropics it is so clear that it is a better choice.
Having access to both ends, gives you great access to both  aquaponics plants and aquaponics fish. In a small aquaponics system, you can zip-up doors. In a commercial aquaponics system you would probably be better off with doors. If you're in a high insect area you may need to consider an airlock for bugs at bay.
Make sure the sides are so buried when the doors are closed it provides a reasonable barrier for insects.

The setting up of a support structure with a PVC plate 10 mm mounted on a stallion sealed with each other. The design implementation starts by a support structure. Provide double protection against moisture and score cuts in the outer layer to introduce the planting of these cuts.

Place the containers and planters at appropriate places, and place the plants as garden design. You can also grow different flowers, fruits and vegetables without soil. Most vertical garden themes combine using hydroponics and aquaponics style with utility.

Irrigate the plants regularly. Many and skyscrapers rooms with different use of sun exposure units to control automated irrigation and nutrients injections.

Monitor and measure the intensity of sunlight at different locations of the vertical garden during the design phase. Fit artificial lighting in places where  the sun's light seems not to be enough to receive. The artificial lighting is essential to produce wavelengths  which are required for the growth of the flora and improve the beauty, projecting the colors and textures of leaves and flowers

Fish prefer the shade. Your aquarium should never be in direct sunlight, which leads to an increase in the number of algae in their tanks. This in turn can lead to the death of the fish due to lack of oxygen.

Finally, you can consider a lid on top of the aquarium or let some plants grow floating in the aquarium area to provide shelter or masks and hiding places for fish to make them feel protected.

To discover the way to get the best yields and fish growth rates, check out Aquaponics 4You.

Sunday 31 May 2015

snails- how to get rid of it from your garden?

Can you control a worm royal garden pests because they chew through their plants, flowers and vegetables. Fortunately, there are many options available - natural and otherwise - to get rid of snails from your garden.

Method 1: snail natural repellents

Cheating beer: One of the most popular and effective ways to get rid of snails is beer  cheating, saucers, bowls or buckets (depending on the size of the problem!) Of cheap beer in your garden and leave it overnight.
Slugs are attracted by the smell of beer and up the plate / cube, where they are intoxicated by alcohol, they fall in and drown.Try using copper:Copper is widely used by gardeners for conducting the drills. A copper are used in one of two ways:
You can copper tape to a nursery to buy and wrap around the perimeter of your garden or flower bed, or you can simply spray copper coins around the base of the plants to be protected.
Copper repel slugs due to a reaction between the metal and produced by screw moves mucous membranes.
Sprinkle crushed eggshells: Use another effective method many gardeners to repel snails to sprinkle crushed eggshells in the soil around the plants in danger of extinction.
Another way of preventing snails in garden is by using Eggshells,which must avoid edges that are uncomfortable with soft body of the worm, so step over it to get the plants.
This is a particularly green way to repel slugs and eggshells contains a lot of calcium, which nurtures their land.
Encourage predators of snails: One way to deter snails WHO is promoting other garden creatures snack snails.
These include frogs and toads that can be charged using ceramic toad houses in your garden. Turtles, snakes and salamanders are probably also like snails, and most birds (especially Robin).

Method 2: Change the routine gardening
Change your watering schedule. The snails prefer moist soil, because it is easier for them to travel, and can move faster.
Simply pour your plants dry in the morning rather than the afternoon or evening, you can be sure that the floor is a bit of the night.
Often the floor. Often the working of your plants and flowers with a fork rake or cultivator is a good idea because the ground killing all worm eggs. This may, in the future  help to significantly reduce snail populations.Grow plants to protect the worm.
Certain flowers, plants and herbs are believed to be filthy worm. These include flowers like freesia, lilies, azaleas, foxglove, Tansy and hibiscus and herbs like mint, rosemary, fennel, parsley and basil.

Method 3: Use of Pesticides
Use iron phosphate. Molluscicides iron phosphate is used to kill snails. It is the main ingredient of a commercial slug repellent (eg Sluggo Plus) and since it is only harmful to the snail, a much better option for those with children and pets
Write garlic spray. Crush the garlic and mix with water. Leave for several hours to allow the garlic to "marinate". In a spray of water and can spray the flowers, plants and herbs for a natural repellent slug.

To discover the way to get the best yields and fish growth rates, check out Aquaponics 4You.

Monday 25 May 2015

Adding salt to Aquaponics system

Many people add salt to their aquaponics system and you may be thinking of doing the same. The practice of adding salt in Aquaponics has its pros and cons, and if you decide to use salt you should do so carefully.
The main purpose of adding salt in Aquaponics is for disease control; salt acts like a natural anti-bacterial agent. In addition, a small amount of salt improves the mucous covering on a fish’s body, and this improves the resistance of the fish to diseases and parasites. Salt may also help to prevent fungal infections. If you opt for salt addition, use pure sea salt and avoid table salt. If you can’t find any pure sea salt, swimming pool salt is a viable alternative.
However, adding too much salt will kill the fish and stunt plant growth. Therefore, when adding salt, you should do it only in calculated amounts. A good rule of thumb is 1 to 2 ppt (parts per thousand) of salt to water. Some plants and fish will tolerate higher levels, but if you are a novice in Aquaponics systems, you should stick to this amount. Remember, that as time passes, the concentration of salt in the system will change. Evaporation of water, water taken up by the plants, etc… will lead to an increase in salt concentration. It is therefore important that you monitor salt concentration regularly, and you can do so by using an apparatus called a refractometer. You can buy cheap refractometers for just a few dollars and they will do the job.
Many people will have a separate small tank that they use for sick fish, a kind of quarantine tank. This is a good idea as it prevents the spread of disease to other fish and allows you to give medication only to the sick fish and not to the whole system. If you keep such a tank, salt can be very useful, as salt will enhance the fish’s immune system. You can use higher concentration of salt in your sick tank – up to 10 ppt for a few hours to a few days. Make sure to keep the tank well oxygenated.

Salt for aquaponics system

As mentioned already, different fish have different levels of salt tolerance, so to be on the safe side check with your local fisheries department for levels of tolerability of the species you are growing. In addition, remember that even if the fish you are growing are very tolerant to salt (for example tilapia can be grown in a salt concentration of up to 20-30 ppt), the plants will not tolerate high concentrations. It is safer if you stick to 1-2 ppt.

To discover the way to get the best yields and fish growth rates, check out Aquaponics 4You.

Friday 22 May 2015

Growing Plants on Unfertile Land with Aquaponics

Gardening and growing vegetables is a passion many people share. They like to see how a simple seed grows and passes through different stages until it reaches maturity and makes fruits. Also, they love to see how their efforts pay off and they finally get to taste the veggies they have so long waited for. Yet, what can you do when you love to grow plants but your soil is unfertile? Well, there are two options: you either give it a try anyway and try to solve the problem using fertilizers, in which case you may end up with poor and tasteless crops or you give up cultivating plants in the ground and go for the aquaponic gardening. Aquaponics means growing vegetables using water from a fish tank. This solves the unfertile ground problem, as you no longer place your seeds in the ground and it also solves the issue with the taste of your crops. This is a very good alternative to the hydroponic system, as you will not use chemical substances on your plants in aquaponic gardening, thus you will be able to obtain organic food for your family. Many people complained about the lack of taste that crops grown in hydroponic gardens had, but this is not the case with the ones grown in aquaponic systems. Because they are fed with the water from the fish tank, the plants grown in the aquaponic get natural food which will enhance their taste, making them taste better even than the ones grown on fertile soil.  Apart from this, the aquaponic system also enables you to grow fish. In fact this is one of the conditions to have an aquaponic system. This means that not only will you have fresh and tastyveggies, but you can also eat fish grown in your house. It will save you great amounts of money
and will offer you healthy meals each and every day.
Growing plants using the aquaponic system it is easy and rewarding no matter where you are! Forget about the quality of your soli, about digging, fertilizing and removing weeds from your land! You can obtain organic veggies and fresh fish in your own house with minimum of effort and investment!

To discover the way to get the best yields and fish growth rates, check out Aquaponics 4You.

Wednesday 13 May 2015

How aquaponics can benefits over you

With the economy going out of control, finding cheap yet qualitative products has become a challenge even for the savviest shoppers. It seems like all prices have gone wild and you have to pay a fortune just to have a normal, balanced diet. Usually, the products which come cheaper are also of lower quality, so you need to sacrifice more for qualitative products. Yet, you can now save lots of money and eat organic vegetables as well as fresh fish from your own farm, your aquaponic farm. Aquaponic farming is basically an improved version of hydroponics. In fact it is a combination between hydroponics and aquaculture. What you do is grow fish in a specially designed tank and use the water from the tank to grow vegetables too. This way you develop a type of farming based on interdependence: the fish have clean and fresh water due to the plant roots, while the plants get their food from the fish tank, without yet harming the fish. It is as easy as it seems! You will just need to make your aquaponic system (which can be done by you, with a little help and guidance) and then starting growing the fish. After about a month, the water will have enough nutrients for you to start growing your own plants, so you just put the seeds in the water and wait for them to grow. If the fish are happy and healthy, there are great chances that you will have plenty of vegetables and herbs to cook your favorite meals.

The best thing about this system is that once you have built it you can keep it going for ever, as it requires minimum investment and effort and gives back even ten times more than you invest, so you will not only have enough food for you and your family, but you will also be able to share it with your neighbors or even start a small business with this type of vegetables. They are all organic and natural, without any chemical fertilizers which may harm people’s health, so you can be sure you can make a great profit out of it!
Anyone can start such an aquaponic farming as it is easy to set on and even easier to take care of. Even senior people who have a hard time in bending and moving will find this activity relaxing and enjoying. Why spend a fortune each time you go to the market when you can grow your own organic vegetables and fish in the comfort of your home with little effort and a small amount of money?
Stop your market addiction now with the aquaponic farming system!

To discover the way to get the best yields and fish growth rates, check out Aquaponics 4You.

Tuesday 5 May 2015

Aquaponics fish

Your aquaponics fish in your system not only will give you tasty food (rich in protein and omega 3) but it is also provide nutrients for your aquaponics vegetables that you’re growing. Growing fish yourself can save you lots of money and you will probably have peace of mind if you know the fish you’re eating are free of toxic metals as well as petroleum residues, which can be becoming a growing problem with sea-caught fish nowadays. You may also make a fantastic income selling aquaponics fish, because the expenses grow them are extremely small.
So, which fish species will you choose for your own aquaponics farming system? There are several things you have to make note of before making your final decision. Each species may have it's own different requirements and also optimal temperature and pH ranges.Furthermore, some species are able to grow in a large population density (more fish in less space) but some other people may need a lot more space. Different species of fish also grow at different rates; presumably you would like ones which grow fast.
Two popular fish for aquaponics systems are tilapia and trout. If your home is in warmer regions, you should go for tilapia. They grow greatest at temperatures within 82° to 86°F and begin dying if your temperature drops under 50°F. This happens because at temperatures under 54°F, tilapia lose their own resistance to disease and are susceptible to infections. Of course, if you are now living in cold areas but maintain your house heated,you'll be able to set up the aquaponics system inside a room and still grow tilapia. Tilapias are particularly suitable for aquaponics farming because they're very hardy and will survive fluctuations involving pH and waste build-up much better than most other fish. In addition, they might grow well inside crowded tanks, and also grow quickly.
Another excellent aquaponics fish for warm climates could be the catfish, which grows best at the temperature of about 80°F. They are resistant to disease and parasites,however are sensitive to oxygen levels. In case you grow catfish,you should definitely have a very good aeration system in place and carry frequent tests.
If your home is in colder locations, you should choose trout. Although various trout species have slightly different needs, most have an optimal range of 40° to 65°F.Similar to tilapia, they grow pretty quickly and make delicious food.
Some aquaponics farmers also grow goldfish.Currently, although these are certainly not used for meals, they can be easily sold to pet-shops to be resold as pets. Goldfish are quite hardy, grow in many different conditions and can fetch a large profit. You may also sell goldfish immediately by placing advertisements in local newspapers.

To discover the way to get the best yields and fish growth rates, check out Aquaponics 4You.

Monday 6 April 2015

Growing Your Own Veggies Has Never Been So Easy with Aquaponics

Having a balanced nutrition based mainly on vegetables and lean meat is essential in order to keep your body healthy and in good shape. However, with the prices increasing continuously and with the genetically modified crops increasing their amount day by day, having a healthy meal is more and more difficult. The solution: plant your own vegetables. This may sound like an impossible thing for people living in flats or for those with low resistance to effort, but in fact it can be one of the most enjoying and effortless activity you can have. How is this possible? With a simple, yet highly effective system which allows you to grow fish and vegetables at the same time in your own home!

growing, hydroponics, gardening
The system is called aquaponics and is suitable for any type of family, regardless of the age they are or the type of house they live in. It requires very little space, the place needed to put an aquarium with fish and some other small additions to it. You can put it on the table in your living room and use it as decoration too, you can place it in your kitchen so that you can always have fresh herbs at the reach of your hand when cooking or you can place it in your garage and go once or twice a day to inspect it. It does not need more than few minutes a day of care, it needs no land and it will start giving results in less than a year. In addition to that, there will be no need for you to bend over, to clean the land of weeds, dig it to plant the seeds or spend hours in your knees to collect the crops.
Furthermore, you will be able to use this type of farming all year round, regardless of the season or the meteorological conditions from outside! This means that you will have fresh veggies all year round, with minimum effort. Just think of your tasty tomatoes or cucumbers, of the smell of your fresh parsley or how you will amaze everyone with your delicious strawberries in the winter! You will eat healthy and organic vegetables and will even be able to offer some of your crops to your neighbors as you will have plenty of everything. If you come to think that while your crops will grow, so will the fish, then there is no need for you to postpone starting an aquaponic farm in the comfort of your house. It is the simplest way to eat healthy food without spending a fortune at the market!

Click here to discover how to maximize your aquaponics profit in Aquaponics 4 You.

Thursday 26 March 2015

Aquaponics: Tips for commercial beginner

aquaponics, bussiness, hydroponics, Gardeninng, Aquaponics4you

Many people begin with Aquaponics as a hobby, and quickly scale as much as, to do it on a commercial scale after they realize how profitable it can be. Start up expenses are low, since you can build the system yourself using materials found in your particular local hardware shop. Running costs can also be minimized, because nutrients and also resources (such as water) are recycled between your plant ecosystem and also the fish ecosystem, and the two sustain one another. Profits are high, because fresh organic vegetables and fish have a good price ranges. Here are our top tips to get you started in commercial Aquaponics:

1. Research the local area market. This will determine what vegetables and fish to grow. You have to find the ones with a top demand, high value, and possibly small competition. Of course, do not pick a fish/vegetable species that will require climatic conditions which might be very different from what you have in the area. For example, tilapia need warm temperatures,and when you live in cold areas you’ll need to spend significantly on heating to grow these; a better option could well be trout. Never the less, you may think about growing fish to sell them as pets rather than food: in many areas there's a considerable demand with regard to goldfish, for instance. Same when it relates to plants: in some areas, you’ll find it's more profitable growing herbs instead of vegetables.
Furthermore, it is usually profitable growing off season produce, but this will need heating (and consequently heating costs). It’s about finding the optimal balance to optimize profits. Do your research properly.

2. Find your clients If you sell straight to the consumers, you’ll be able to keep all the profits, but it's really a hassle. Instead, you may get a deal from the local grocery/fish monger and sell all you produce to them. However, you’ll need to give them a reduced price than what you’ll give to direct clients. If you're selling fish as pets, consider placing an advertisement inside your local newspaper.

3.Start out small, think big. No matter how thorough your research, only when you’ll really start your venture you’ll become familiar with all the things involved as well as the profit margin. Thus, you should begin small, as this gives you the flexibility for you to adapt. It’s also better to run a smaller sized system, and in case you are new to Aquaponics you’ll incorporate some learning to do to operate it efficiently. Furthermore, when you’re just getting started, things will go wrong which is easier to fix them with a small scale than  you are running a huge Aquaponics farm.

Click here to discover how to maximize your aquaponics profit in Aquaponics 4 You.

Friday 20 March 2015

Aquaponics: Can you make it as money maker?

Lots of people start this venture as a hobby, and quickly choose doing aquaponics for profit, because they realize how profitable it could be. It can be build with minimum set up costs, and running costs are lower. With its unique setup, the system almost runs itself, as the plant life and fish form a symbiotic relationship with the aid of bacteria; the other turn fish waste materials into plant nutrients, cleaning the water to the fish and providing fertilizer for the plants.

Aquaponics, money, hydroponics, Aquaponics4you, DIYaquaponics

Aquaponics is quickly gaining popularity due to the rising prices of food as well as the increasing demand for organic food (which is usually what you’ll be growing through an aquaponics system). Running an Aquaponics for profit business has several advantages. It is ideal for individuals who do not have lots of money to invest, as it needs minimum costs to create and run.Since the costs are lower, the profit margin is incredible significant. Both organic vegetables and fish fetch good prices!

Another advantage of an Aquaponics for revenue business is it requires minimal area – Aquaponics is certainly the most space-effective technique of food production. Usually, a room or even garage is more than enough to produce enough food to create a profit.

Aquaponics can also be fairly flexible, in the sense that you could grow many various species of vegetation and fish. So you might grow different varieties at different times of the year according to demand and competition in the area. For example many people grow predominantly fruit and vegetables, while others prefer to growing herbs. Obviously, there is no reasons why you can’t grow both! The same applies to fish; there are many species you are able to rear. In addition, instead of growing fish for food, some people grow goldfish along with other aquarium fish species which then they sell to pet shops or straight to owners. With a few aquarium fish varieties, the prices fetched could be much higher than the prices for almost all ‘food’ fish.To help keep the costs lower, you should choose fish that have temperature requirements that are similar to the average temperature in the area. This will help you save from using electrical power to heat the water.

Popular fish that are grown using aquaponics for profit include tilapia (mainly within warmer climates), trout (mainly in cooler climates), catfish,koi fish, bluegill, smallmouth bass, and goldfish (to end up being sold as pets).Ensure that you check your state laws first, as there are several limitations on which fish could be grown. With respect to plants grown successfully in Aquaponics systems for profit, excellent examples include cucumbers, tomatoes, melons, strawberries, lettuce, spinach, peas, beans and squash; and herbs such as rosemary and also basil.

Discover how to maximize your aquaponics profit in Aquaponics 4 You.

Friday 13 March 2015

Aquaponics : Grow bed media and water

In this post we will look at Aquaponics grow bed media and water, two crucial aspects of an aquaponics system. The grow bed medium could be the plant’s habitat as the water is the actual fish’s habitat. Both are interconnected and when there are problems in a single, they will manifest themselves within the other.
Aquaponics, DIYaquaponics, Aquaponics4you, gardening, hydroponics

There are a lot of grow bed media available, ranging from a basic ones to ‘bioengineered” top quality ones. A popular and effective one is gravel, which also is actually very cheap. Gravel is ideal as it provides good support to the roots of your plants and filters water very well. Further more, it proves to become a good habitat to the beneficial bacteria,which is busy turning fish wastes into plant nutrients. Get spherical gravel, and it must be big enough not to clog but small enough to provide good root support. The plant root base need good water circulation and oxygen, and if this medium compacts an excessive amount of it, this won’t be possible. Good medium sizing Aquaponics is just about 0. 5 to 0. 75 of an inch in diameter.
If you opt for a different type of medium, you must make sure that it provides some important properties. It should always be chemically inert and it also must not have an effect on the pH of the water. For example, limestone leaks calcium carbonate so it will push your pH up. Gravel, lava rock,and the majority river stones usually are pH neutral.Also, the medium must not decompose, as this may affect the pH levels and potentially clog up the systems. Decomposing materials also can leak substances inside the water that can harm you fish.Stay clear of soil, peat moss, sawdust as well as wood chippings.

It is crucial that the medium you selected is porous, as this allows good air and also water circulation and definately will give the bacteria lots of surface area to be able to colonize. You should also ensure that the medium is not hard to handle;it must be gentle on your hands and on the plant’s roots.

Next, something about the water. You want water to be 100 % pure, free of chlorine as well as other chemicals and as all around pH 7 as possible. Municipal water will probably be high pH and may contain chlorine.Even so, all you need to do is to fill up your tank and leave it sit for 2 or 3 days. The chlorine will certainly evaporate off itself. If the pH of the water is too high, you can purchase aquarium pH regulators, or else add some vinegar or perhaps iron sulfate fertilizer. Add small quantities at any given time and test.However, if the pH for the water is too low, get the aquarium pH regulator, put some baking soda or calcium carbonate.Once again, add in small quantities at any given time and test. You final pH need to be between 6. 7 to 7.

Get all the information about setting up a successful Aquaponics system in Aquaponics4You.Please click this link :

Monday 9 March 2015


Developing an aquaponics system involves combining aquaculture with hydroponics – basically you are setting up both of these methods of farming and joining them together. Although this might seem like a feat, in reality setting up a very good aquaponics system is fairly simple for those who have good instructions and a knowledge of the basics of such as system.
To keep life easy, you should first do some planning before commencing the construction of this method. The most important things you have to consider are location, method associated with aeration, choosing the fish, picking out the plants, and pot positioning.
With regards to location, this will obviously depend on the space available to you– whether it’s in your home, in the garage or inside the garden. You can set up an aquaponics system practically just about everywhere, but then you will have to adjust it accordingly. Mainly, you will have to ensure that the temperature in the location is suitable (if you’re placing it outside and also you live in a cold area you will have to think about insulation) and that there's sufficient light (if it is inside you will have to have large windows or else setup artificial lighting). In addition, in case you are placing the system outside, ensure that you will not get harmful substances stepping into the water – you may have to cover and protect appropriately.

Aquaponics, DIYaquaponics, Aquaponics4you, Gardening

Next, think about aeration systems. Your fish need oxygen to live and survive, and generally you will must have a sort of pumping mechanism – although you will find ways to achieve good aeration with no pumps or equipment. However, this depends on the species of fish you’ll grow. This leads us to another point to consider: which species of fish to pick. Different fish will have different requirements (some are simpler to culture than others); in addition, there are regulations on which fish you are able to keep, so make sure you check the laws in the state you live in. A number of common fish in aquaponics techniques include carp, trout, catfish, tilapia, and also Murray cod.
Choosing what plants to cultivate is generally simpler, as plants tend to be more tolerant of different environmental elements. Hence, the main thing to think about when choosing plants is personal preference – quite simply, what would you like to have freshly growing in your house?
The final, and equally important consideration before starting construction of the actual aquaponics system is pot location. Ideally, the pots should always be at waist level, so you won’t need to bend over to harvest as well as check the plants. In addition, you’ll be able to place the tank for your fish directly underneath the pots, helping you save space.
To read more about how to build an aquaponics system easily and also cheaply, check out Aquaponics4You.

Friday 6 March 2015

What is Aquaponics?

What is Aquaponics? Aquaponics is really a fairly new system of foods production, but it is rapidly gaining popularity because of its many advantages, especially in the context with the rising food prices. In this particularshort introduction to aquaponics, we’ll explain what Aquaponics involves and mention several of its many advantages.

Aquaponics is combining aquaculture (the growing of fish) and hydroponics (the growing of plants in water without soil). This integrated system works so well as the two form a symbiotic connection; and nutrients and resources are recycled between two. The fish provide waste materials, which the bacteria turn straight into plant nutrients, providing the plants with food and also the fish with clean water. Certainly, bacteria is the linchpin which will keep the whole system running.

Aquaponics, DIYaquaponics, Aquaponics4you, Gardening, hydroponics

Based on the set-up, it is actually very easy. You have the fish tanks, where you grow fish, and together with the tanks sits the grow bed. The grow bed is the surface where the plants are rooted and is the location of almost all of the bacteria in the system. The grow bed could be made of different materials, but perhaps the most common one is gravel. Gravel is ideal as it filters the water and provides support for the roots. In addition, it has a large surface and can house a lot of bacteria.

In an Aquaponics system, water is pumped from the tank for your fish to the grow bed, in which the bacteria reside. The bacteria break up the fish waste and transform it to nitrates, an outstanding fertilizer. The plants take up the nitrates and a few of the water, and in the process filter the water. The water is then returned cleaned towards the fish tank via gravity.

Aquaponics has many advantages. It is the most sustainable and cost-effective way of food production. It saves your money, and provides you with fresh organic food out of your own backyard. It doesn’t take much space and may be located anywhere: in your backyard, in a spare area, in the garage, etc… It is quite flexible, as you can grow a large variety of vegetables and species of fish. It is environmentally friendly, as no water is wasted and it also produces no harmful by-products. Aquaponics is also much-much better to run than a conventional garden soil farm or fish farm – there isn't any weeding, no watering and absolutely no addition of fertilizers and dangerous pesticides.

Furthermore, an Aquaponics system is extremely easy to scale up, and even many people end up carrying it out for profit. This is because the food made by Aquaponics farming has minimal expenses and fetches high prices (as it is organic) and therefore the profit is significant.

Learn the best way to construct your Aquaponics System at low costs in Aquaponics 4 You.